Terms & Conditions

  1. Membership payments are non-refundable.

  2. You can cancel your membership at any time.

  3. Cancellations must be made before the date of your next payment.

  4. Bulk purchase classes are non-refundable.

  5. Single class purchases may be cancelled and refunded up to 72 hours before the date of the in-person class.

  6. Please arrive 15mins before the start of your class.

  7. Please be mindful of those around you and use available COVID safety measures during the class eg. hand sanitiser.

  8. Feedback is always welcome. Respectfully given, gratefully received.

  9. There is a zero tolerance policy for any religious or racial hatred. There is zero tolerance for cultural bias and unkindness.

  10. Every intention behind this website, this business and all content delivered in-person or online is always loving with the sole purpose of creating community, fostering authenticity and encouraging whole hearted living.


Thank you for your co-operation and understanding

I am SO incredibly humbled and grateful for your support and time. It is truly a privilege to share this little corner of the internet with you. From my heart to yours: namaste, may you go in peace and be well